Thursday, December 23, 2010

I Don't Feel so Well....

I am about 7 weeks into this pregnancy thing and up until this point I have been fine, with the exception of a bit of extra bloating.  I was feeling a but confident in my body's ability to handle this first trimester without the dreaded MORNING SICKNESS.  I did a family survey to find that my sister, mother and grandmother all faired well in their pregnancies by not having to deal with much of the sicky icky part.  I was hoping there was some genetic code passed on from them to me and for a while I thought maybe there was.

Earlier this week I attended an intro to kickboxing session.  I did about 20 minutes or so of kicking and punching.  I got a bit winded and felt pretty good during but afterward was a totally different story.  Well, tom ake a long story short, my body DID NOT respond well and I found myself laughing at the toilet in their ladies locker room.  The next morning I awoke feeling a bit, well, sick....YUCK!  From that point I have had waves of nauseum.  As I sit and type I find myself queasy.  This is actually the worst I have felt yet.  Every step meets me with motion sickness.  I am hungry and know I need to eat but I can only manage a few bites.  This part is for the birds I tell ya!

Like so many mothers have told me, its all worth.  I am almost certain that it will be but I just want to get through this stage....


1 comment:

  1. Ok lady...KICKBOXING???????? You ARE pregnant you know? :-) Maybe save the kickboxing for after you've had Baby Tillis. LOL

    But seriously, exercise during your pregnancy is good for you. Just be careful not to over due it. I am just concerned because of the potential link above to the exercise and your sickness.

    Now, I had to deal with morning sickness for each pregnancy. In my first, I was so nauseous I couldn't even hold liquids and lost about 20 pounds by the time I was 5 months. I had to be hospitalized for dehydration. So, be sure to take care of yourself. Below are some things I tried, with varying levels of success.

    * Sea motion bands - these are things you wear on your wrists which have pressure points at the center of each band. It is supposed to help alleviate motion sickness but is also used for morning sickness. This didn't work that well for me.

    * I found that certain foods temporarily removed the sickness. For me it was tomato-based items, grapefruit juice (which I had never drank before in life), etc. Look for any special cravings you might have as your body may be trying to tell you what it needs.

    * While sick, I started drinking things like protein shakes and nutrient drinks (i.e. Ensure) so that I could try to maintain some nutrition in my body. Try to get the most nutrients you can out of what you are eating and not just empty calories.

    * Certain smells (like even my favorite perfumes) really just made me feel worse. Pay attention to any reaction to smells and try to stay clear of ones which aggravate you.

    * The doctors also suggested that I keep crackers by the bed and try to nibble on something before I start moving around in the morning. This never worked for me, but you never know.

    * The doctor's eventually prescribed medication to fight the sickness. This seemed to work and at least allowed me to hold down some food. So talk to your doctor and see if they have any suggestions.

    We'll keep you in prayer, but hang in there. I hope that this will pass QUICKLY!
